Replaced wird bis 2023 verschoben, Studiosicherheit nach Russland-Ukraine-Krieg priorisiert

Erinnerst du dich an Replaced, das atmosphärische, futuristische Actionspiel, das während des letztjährigen Xbox Showcase enthüllt wurde? Replaced spielt in einer dystopischen Version der USA der 80er Jahre und zeichnet die Heldentaten einer KI auf, die in einem menschlichen Körper lebt. Der Kampf erinnert an einige der besten Science-Fiction-Filme und -Spiele, darunter Blade Runner und Cyberpunk 2077. Aufregend, oder? Nun, leider wurde Replaced auf 2023 verschoben.

Die Erklärung des Herausgebers Coastink, der Muttergesellschaft Thunderful und des Entwicklers Sad Cat Studios auf Twitter lautet (vollständig) wie folgt:

"Today we’re making the very difficult decision to delay Replaced until 2023. 

The Belarusian-based studio working on the game, Sad Cat Studios, has a team of talented developers for Belarus and Ukraine. Unfortunately, the continued war in Ukraine has heavily impacted the development of Replaced, as most of the team resides in the neighboring regions. 

The priority for Sad Cat was for the safety of the team and their families. As a result, part of the team has now relocated and work has only recently restarted on Replaced. 

Publisher Coatsink, parent company Thundeful, and developer Sad Cat Studios have decided to move the release to 2023 to ensure that the game is in the best state it can possibly be. We are continuing to work hard to match the quality you’ve come to expect from the trailer, but are prioritizing both the physical and mental health of the developers by not forcing the original deadlines that have been unexpectedly impacted.

Thank you for all your continued patience and support for Replaced and Sad Cat Studios.

It won’t be long before you can Ent3r%t*he{V0id…….”